ARC Book Review - Scout, by Carina Rose


ARC Book Review - Scout, by Carina Rose

Tropes, Small Town Romance, baseball
Review Stars - 4 

Cash Jameson, was a star high school baseball player in the small town of Blossom Berry Falls. Now 15 yrs later he is back for the high school reunion. He was only planning on staying a few days, until he saw Hannah and all his feelings came back. He has to see her and find out what she's been doing. 

Hannah was the local girl who got to show Cash around the school when he first came into town. No one thought the shy girl should be with Cash, until they were together, and no one could separate them. 

When Cash left for college he broke things off with Hannah. She was devastated. When she tried to contact him throughout that first year he never got back with her, and she was abandoned. Now 15 yrs later will they be able to pick up where they left off? Will Hannah give him another chance? 

I did receive a free ARC Copy of this book. I am freely leaving an honest review. 


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