ARC Book Review - Vicious Tycoon (The Billion-Dollar Men #2), by M. Robinson


Bailey has always been America's Sweetheart - girl next door Hollywood starlet. Baily & Aires have been acting together since they were both young teenagers filming The Kids Club. They never had a title for what they were to each other when they were younger. They were just always together after they were done filming for the day, making out, & hanging out.  Once their show ended, they drifted apart and went their separate ways. Now they are back on set together for a new film as adults, an action romance type movie filming down in Australia. 

Aires has been named one of Hollywood's sexiest bad boys. He loves being an actor. He doesn't love rules so much. Aires has always been attracted to Bailey since they were teenagers. He is more of a womanizer now that they are older. 

Now that they are adults will they be able to stay in each other's lives after filming the movie? They are in a movie bubble right now, always together, no press, everyone on set is ok with their romance. Will they be able to have a romance outside the set, and back in the US? 

I received an advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.   


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