ARC Book Review - The Boyfriend Goal (Love and Hockey #1), by Lauren Blakely


Book Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Josie has moved to San Francisco, CA for a 3 month job with the library. She received a grant to work at a San Fran library, and she absolutely loves it. However, the job is just temporary. She wants to stay, but libraries don't make a lot of money, and don't have a lot of money. She knows that her time in the city is coming to an end. 

Josie's brother is Christian who is a captain on the NHL team. Her brother and sister-in-law just had twins, and she wants to be around him and his family, but knows staying with them isn't an option, as his place is crowded with the twins.

Josie is more of a quiet book person. But, she's been trying to get out of her comfort zone and do different things than she is used to. Her one bedroom apartment falls through, and her brother Christian asks his teammates for help letting her live with one of them if they have an extra bedroom.  Wesley volunteers his place, before he realizes who Josie is.  Living with Wesley is a change for certain for her. 

This isn't Wesley Bryant rookie year. He has been playing for a few years. But, he isn't on the starting line, he's on the 2nd line, and for a hockey player that's not the best. He is trying and working harder and harder to improve his game. But he just can't seem to move up to the 1st line. Wesley's dad is his agent, and pressures him so much. Wesley is losing his skills on the ice, and it's hurting his game. But, having his dad as his agent doesn't seem to help either. Wesley is head over heels for Josie, but is she getting in the way of his hockey game? Is he spending too much time off the ice with her? 

Will Wesley be able to handle his game on the ice and be able to be with Josie off the ice? Will he be able to have his love for the game on the ice and be with his new roommate? 

I did receive a free ARC copy of this book. I am freely leaving an honest review.


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