Meeting My Honeybun (The Brothers Macallan #2), by Red Phoenix


Book Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is the 2nd book in the series, but, you can read as a stand alone. 

Malcolm Macallan works in the bank and is the loan officer for the town.  He and his family have always lived in the small town of Crested Butte, CO. Malcolm has 4 brothers, a father and a Gran in the area that he has always been around. He loves his family even though he is quite gruff on the outside. He would rather work, and be busy, than stand around doing nothing. His family - Gran is from Scotland and still has her thick Scottish accent even though she's been in the US for a few decades now. His father has the same thick accent as his mother. 

Chloe Byrnes, is a newcomer into the small town, and has taken over the bakery. Her treats / breads are fantastic however, the small town of Crested Butte, CO, is still loyal to the prior baker, even though he is retired and sold the Sweet Treats Bakery business to her. Chloe is not making a lot of money with this business, as she is starting out. But it is something that she loves, and she wants to be happy for the first time in her life. Chloe does have a young child, Hailey who is in elementary school.  She made the move from the big city to the small town to give her happiness, help her with her asthma and give them both happiness. 

Chloe and Malcolm make some small talk, after she embarrasses herself right in front of him. He does take everything in that happened. He is mean, but, at the same time he is nice and caring towards her. Malcolm is a numbers guy, he wants to see everything laid out, and with Chloe and her daughter Hailey he doesn't seem to have the first clue what to do. He reacts on instinct with both of them. 

I did receive a free ARC copy of this book. I am freely leaving an honest review.


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