ARC Book Review - Icebreaker, (Gamebreakers #1), by Kat Mizera, & Elise Faber
Book Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Banks is captain of the SoCal Vipers. He finds Aspen attractive and wants to know more about her. Banks has a past he's tried to get away from. He doesn't want a family. He's afraid that will hurt his hockey career and his goals. Banks has a great group of friends he co-owns a bar with. They have been together since their college days.
Aspen works two jobs one at the hockey area as a cleaner - janitor and the other as a bartender at a club. Banks is part owner in the club that she is working at. Aspen grew up with money and being in the 1% crowd. However, she realized her father and family would never 'let' her do anything she wanted to do, go to college, be part of the family business as her brother are. She broke apart from the family and left and is working two jobs to support herself away from her past toxic life. Aspen is very independent and has worked hard to make her own path in the world.
I did receive a free ARC Book copy of this book. I am freely leaving an honest review.
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